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2024-01-25 04:53:17
美[mɒsˌlaɪk]  英[mɒslaɪk]
adj.  苔藓样的


  1. A coating of the tongue is a layer of mosslike substance on the surface of the tongue. 舌苔是舌面上的一层苔状物。
  2. Sessile aquatic animal forming mosslike colonies of small polyps each having a curved or circular ridge bearing tentacles,attach to stones or seaweed and reproduce by budding. 固着型水生动物,形成象苔藓一样珊瑚虫群体,每只有弯曲或圆形的背脊,附着在石头或海藻上,通过芽接繁殖。
  3. Any of various small aquatic animals of the phylum Bryozoa that reproduce by budding and form mosslike or branching colonies permanently attached to stones or seaweed. 苔藓虫,苔藓虫门的小型水生动物,通过芽生繁殖,形成象苔藓一样的分支群体,一直附着在石头或海草上。
  4. mosslike carpets of red algae are seen at low tides. 在较浅的潮汐中能看到成片的苔藓般红色海藻。
  5. evergreen mosslike plants: spike moss and little club moss. 常绿的类似藓类的植物;小石松。
  6. primitive evergreen mosslike plant with spores in club-shaped strobiles. 具有梅花状孢子叶球的原始苔藓植物。