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2024-01-25 05:23:16
美[moʊtɪlətɪ]  英[məʊtɪlɪtɪ]
n.  运动性;自动力


  1. ability to move spontaneously and independently
  2. a change of position that does not entail a change of location;

    "the reflex motion of his eyebrows revealed his surprise" "movement is a sign of life" "an impatient move of his hand" "gastrointestinal motility"


  1. All of these cells exhibit motility. 所有这些细胞均表现移动性。
  2. For differentiating bacteria based on motility and nitrate reduction test. 用于鉴别细菌动力和硝酸盐还原试验。
  3. Sedentary life-style: Lack of physical activity can reduce gut motility. 缺乏运动:平日少做运动,令肠道活动减慢。
  4. Conclusion TFD facilitates the motility of stomach, duodenum and ileum. 结论:通腑汤对胃、十二指肠乃至回肠均有较好的促动力作用。
  5. Contains L-Carnitine, shown to increase sperm count, quality and motility. 包含L-肉碱,能增加精子数量,质量和活动力。
  6. Sperm count, shape, and motion (motility) were similar in both groups of men. 两组研究对象的精子计数、形状和移动性相似。