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2024-01-25 05:32:16
美[moʊtɪvɪk]  英[məʊtɪvɪk]
adj.  [音]动机的;乐旨的


  1. Bachelor‘s Degree;- Over one year work experience; - Good command of written and spoken English/Mandarin;- Self motiv...... ... 公司名称:泛骏华国际货运(上海)有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-7-21
  2. Harmonic and Motivic Associations and the "Emancipation of Dissonance" BRYAN R. SIMMS Chapter 2 from Music of the Twentieth Century 和声与动机的联系以及“不协和音的解放” (《20世纪的音乐》第二章)
  3. sparse motivic improvisations. 简短的即席音乐演奏
  4. motiv modular propulsion orbital transfer vehicle 模式发射轨道转移飞行器
  5. 165"In ny given field, the leding voices come from people who re motiv ted not by conviction but by the desire to present opinions nd ides tht differ from those held by the mjority. 在任何领域,最主要的声音来自于这些人,他们并不是由信念驱动,而是由希望表达和大多数人相异的观点和想法的意愿所驱动。