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2024-01-25 05:36:16
美[moʊtoʊ]  英[məʊtəʊ]
n.  [体]摩托车越野赛预赛


  1. He parked his moto between other cars . 他把摩托车停在其他车中间。
  2. We have not money,so its impossible to buy a moto. 我没有钱,买摩托车是不可能的事。
  3. My Moto is High Standard,Low Attitude. 我的信条是:高标准,低姿态。
  4. We want to buy auto and moto parts.Welcome to contact us! 求购汽车及机车配件!
  5. Moto regardes employees thinking, encourages their speaking. 摩托罗拉重视员工的想法,鼓励他们说出自己的观点。
  6. But I am more concern how Sun can do better and take lesson from Moto. 我们捐给那些需要的人,我们有我们自己的人花自己的钱来做监督。