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2024-01-25 06:09:17
美[mɒtəl]  英[mɒtl]
vt.  使成杂色;弄成斑驳
n.  斑点;杂色
  名词:mottler  过去式:mottled  过去分词:mottled  现在分词:mottling  第三人称单数:mottles


  1. an irregular arrangement of patches of color;

    "it was not dull grey as distance had suggested, but a mottle of khaki and black and olive-green"

  1. mark with spots or blotches of different color or shades of color as if stained
  2. colour with streaks or blotches of different shades


  1. Hills and parks mottle the urban landscape. 桂林市是首批 “中国优秀旅游城市”;
  2. Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects. 不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。
  3. In tubers from such potatoes stem mottle symptoms are rarely observed. 由这类马玲薯产生的块茎中茎斑驳症状不易观察到。
  4. Ingrain paper: Paper finished with a mottle surface used for book covers, etc. 斑纹纸:加工造成有斑点花纹的纸,作书皮等用。
  5. Abstract: Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects. 摘 要: 不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。
  6. All the materials are traditional big groundnut which is proper in apearance, full in granule, mottle free,scar free,crack free and dilicious in taste. 用荣成三镇传统大花生为原料,经严格挑选后加工,外型端正,颗粒饱满,无斑点,无伤痕,无裂口,烘烤程序适中,食之香脆可口,略带甜味。