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2024-01-25 06:16:17
美[muː]  英[muː]
n.  撅嘴;怪相


  1. a disdainful grimace


  1. It is moue a poem than a picture. 这与其说是一幅画,不如说是一首诗。
  2. Dragon born dragon ,chicken bornchicken moues sons can hole! 龙生龙,凤生凤,老鼠的儿子会打洞。
  3. The secret of happiness is not having moue, but wanring less. 快乐的秘密并不是拥有更多,而是渴求更少。
  4. Air transport still remains moue of a potential opportunity than a reality. 我有问我的老师,她解释是“空运比现实有更大的潜在机会。”
  5. Thus C1 must be large enough to supply operating current to the load without discharging moue than a few millivolts. 这样C1容量必须很大才能保证C1为负荷提供运行电流而放电量不超过几毫伏。
  6. The possibolities open to you right mow are moue wonderful and abundant than they have ever been. 除了新年,一年之中的任何时候都可以重新开始、改掉过去不好的习惯,只要你的决心足够坚定那你就一定能成功。