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2024-01-25 07:05:17
美[maʊθ]  英[maʊθ]
n.  嘴;口;开口;河口
v.  不出声说;装腔作势地说;喃喃地说
  名词复数:mouths  过去式:mouthed  过去分词:mouthed  现在分词:mouthing  第三人称单数:mouths


  1. 口,嘴,口状物
  2. 河口
  3. 口腔
  4. 动物
  5. 需要供养的人
  6. 开口
  7. 出入口
  8. 孔,穴
  9. 食客
  10. 枪口
  11. 港口
  12. 喷火口
  13. 袋口
  14. 吹口
  15. 咧嘴
  1. 用演说腔调讲,用演说的口吻讲
  2. 附和着说
  3. 含糊地说,喃喃地说
  4. 歪嘴
  5. 大声讲,大声地讲述,高声地说话,大声地抱怨
  6. 叫骂,怒骂
  7. 装腔作势地讲(说),做作地说
  8. 用口衔
  9. 放进嘴里嚼
  10. 注入
  11. 不出声地说,以嘴唇的动作不出声地讲,做出说…的动作(但不出声)
  12. 言不由衷地重复,言不由衷地说
  13. 夸大地说话,夸张地讲话
  14. 说出
  15. 心不在焉地说
  16. 用嘴接触,吻
  17. 使(马)习惯于戴马嚼子
  18. 傲慢地说
  19. 嘟嘴扮鬼脸


  1. [C]口,嘴巴 the opening on the face through which a person or animal can take food into the body, and speak to make sounds
  2. [U]空话,无聊的话; 无礼的话 meaningless; impudent talk
  3. [C]人,讲话的人 person, speaker
  1. vt. & vi. (嘴)作出说〔唱〕…的动作 (但不出声) move ones lips as if saying (words) but without making any sound
  2. vt. & vi. 喃喃地说,心不在焉地说,言不由衷地说 say especially repeatedly and without understanding or sincerity


  1. the opening through which food is taken in and vocalizations emerge;

    "he stuffed his mouth with candy"

  2. the externally visible part of the oral cavity on the face and the system of organs surrounding the opening;

    "she wiped lipstick from her mouth"

  3. an opening that resembles a mouth (as of a cave or a gorge);

    "he rode into the mouth of the canyon" "they built a fire at the mouth of the cave"

  4. the point where a stream issues into a larger body of water;

    "New York is at the mouth of the Hudson"

  5. a person conceived as a consumer of food;

    "he has four mouths to feed"

  6. a spokesperson (as a lawyer)
  7. an impudent or insolent rejoinder;

    "dont give me any of your sass"

  8. the opening of a jar or bottle;

    "the jar had a wide mouth"

  1. express in speech;

    "She talks a lot of nonsense" "This depressed patient does not verbalize"

  2. articulate silently; form words with the lips only;

    "She mouthed a swear word"

  3. touch with the mouth


  1. button up ones mouth保持沉默
  2. close ones mouth闭嘴
  3. fill ones mouth full填满嘴,堵住嘴
  4. give mouth to说出,讲出,透露
  5. have ten mouths to feed要养十口人
  6. keep ones mouth shut守口如瓶
  7. laugh on the wrong side of ones mouth失望,悲伤
  8. leave ones mouth open使嘴张开
  9. make ones mouthwater使人垂涎
  10. open ones mouth张嘴
  11. put words into sbs mouth教某人说些什么话
  12. screw up ones mouth撅起嘴
  13. shoot off ones mouth信口开河,夸夸其谈
  14. shut ones mouth闭嘴
  15. stop sbs mouth不让某人说话,用贿赂堵住某人的口
  16. take the bread out of ones mouth夺某人的饭碗
  17. wipe ones mouth擦嘴
  1. beautiful mouth好看的嘴
  2. big mouth碎嘴子,说话冒失的人
  3. hungry mouths饥饿的人们
  4. pretty mouth好看的嘴
  5. small mouth小口
  6. sweet mouth甜蜜的嘴
  7. useless mouth只吃不做的人
  1. river mouth河口
  1. express by the mouth口头表达
  2. by way of mouth从口(入)
  3. by word of mouth口头的
  4. out of sbs mouth出自某人之口
  5. vessel with a small mouth口很小的容器
  6. with one mouth异口同声地
  7. from mouth to mouth一个传一个地
  8. pass from mouth to mouth被传播
  9. down in the mouth忧愁的人
  10. look down in the mouth显得很沮丧
  11. words in everybodys mouth众人的说法
  12. in the mouth of据说
  13. with full mouth大声地
  14. with open mouth大声地
  1. mouth of the river河口
  2. mouth with thick lips长着两片厚嘴唇的嘴
  1. mouth silently嘴动而不出声地说
  2. mouth down吃下
  3. mouth off大发议论,自夸地说


  1. Her mouth is her best feature.她的嘴是她容貌上最好看的部分。
  2. The dying animal was found foaming at the mouth.那只将死的动物被发现口吐白沫。
  3. Seeing that we are confused about her attitude, she had to give mouth to her doubts.看到我们对她的态度表示不解,她只得说出心里的疑惑。
  4. The sand has silted up the mouth of the river.泥沙已把河口堵住了。
  1. The nurse mouthed the word "quiet".护士以口形默示“安静”。
  2. I dislike lecturers who mouth their speeches.我不喜欢夸夸其谈的演讲者。
  3. He crept into the corner, mouthing curses.他悄悄地移到角落,嘴里喃喃地诅咒着。


    mouth的基本意思是人或动物的“口”“嘴巴”,还可喻指“口状物”,如河口,山谷口,洞穴口,容器口,喷口,钳口,(乐器等)吹口,炮口等,且常由of引起的短语作后置定语修饰非生命物体之“口”, mouth引申还可表示“说话”,往往都带有贬义。 mouth还可表示“人”“讲话的人,代言人”。 mouth在口语中还可用以表示“怪相,鬼脸”。
    mouth用作动词时主要指嘴唇活动但不出声,只是作出说或唱的动作,也可指“小声地说”“心不在焉地说”“言不由衷地说”。 mouth还可表示“(河水)流入”等。


  1. 他亲她的嘴。

    He kissed her on mouth.

    He kissed her on his mouth.

    He kissed her on the mouth.



    Dont try to talk with a mouth of food.

    Dont try to talk with a mouthful of food.

    mouth指“口,嘴”; 表示“一口,满口”,应该说mouthful。


    She stared at him, the mouth open.

    She stared at him, her mouth open.

    She stared at him, mouth open.


    Three men came marching along, pipe in mouths and swords in hand.

    Three men came marching along, pipe in mouth and sword in hand.
