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2024-01-25 07:30:17
美[muːvɪtoʊn]  英[muːvɪtəʊn]
n.  影片录音


  1. Fox began making feature films with the Movietone system in 1928. 1928年,福克斯开始制作具有这一特色的有声电影。
  2. Later in 1948, 20th Century-Fox Movietone News began to telecast the news. 到了1948年晚期,20世纪福克斯电影新闻公司就开始采用电视的形式播出。
  3. Studio founder William Fox pays $60,000 for the system, which he renames Movietone. 摄影之父,威廉姆-福克斯,花了60.;000美元买下了这套系统,并且把它重新命名为“有声电影”。
  4. Movietone soon became associated with newsreels, which captured newsworthy events on film and created a valuable historical record in the process. 有声电影很快与新闻影片挂钩,通过电影报道重大的事件。这也是电影发展的一个历史性进步。
  5. As a child he was fascinated by the black-and-white Movietone newsreels that played in the cinemas during the second world war. 小时候他痴迷于二战期间电影院里播放的黑白短片。