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2024-01-25 07:54:16
美  英
n.  [计算机] 微处理器


  1. Hardware consists of MPU, memory and I/O ports etc. 硬件包括微处理器、存储器及I/O端口等。
  2. Engineering Realization of Monitor for the Mainline Based on MPU. 基于单片机的静脉输液监视器工程实现。
  3. But only the flow of software of the s function modules about MPU is evolved. 对MPU侧各功能模块的软件流程进行了设计。
  4. The microprocessor itself, labeled MPU, appears on the left of the illustration. 标有MPU的微处理器本身表示在图的左侧。
  5. Compensate and improve the lagging power factor of industrial facilities. MPU built-in power saving module. 带微处理器的节电专用模块可有效提高设备运行功率因数。
  6. Purpose: Used in solid state relays. MPU interface. TTL logic and any other industrial application. 用途:用于固态继电器、微处器面板、TTL逻辑门、工业灯具。