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2024-01-25 08:05:16
美  英
n.  最大粒径骨料


  1. Methods Four cases of MSA were reviewed. 方法报告4例多系统萎缩病例。
  2. How to Further Open Administrative Affairs of MSA? 海事局如何进一步开展政务公开工作?
  3. MSA president Nick Brown has likened the scheme to conscription. 农业科学硕士尼克-布朗主席则把这一计划比作是(政府的)“征召”。
  4. MSA has improved the Advantage 200 respirator even further. MSA更进一步改良Advantage 200 LS防毒面具。
  5. Complete process capability study and MSA analysis in new program. 在新项目中完成过程能力的研究及MSA分析。
  6. If lateral protection is desired, see MSAs lateral protective helmets. 如需更好的保护装备,请参阅MSA的头盔。