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2024-01-25 08:14:16
美  英
n.  生产规范要求


  1. You can read its state from MSR register. 听听听听听 DSR is a input pin.
  2. The MSRs in the air would change as missionssituations dictate. 空中主要补给线将随作战任务和战场形势的变化而变化。
  3. This would be the main supply route or “MSR” for the Marines advance. 这就是陆战队挺进时的主要供给线,即“MSR”。
  4. The MSRs in the air would change as missions and situations dictate. 空中主要补给线将随作战任务和战场形势的变化而变化。
  5. Spoon handle doubles as a tool for maintaining and cleaning MSR stove cable and jets. MSR运用巧思;奇妙的将拆汽化炉输油管与喷嘴的工具;与汤匙柄合为一体;免除您"忘记带"的困扰.......。
  6. Available in moderate sulfate-resistant(MSR)and high sulfate-resistant(HSR)Grades.This product is intended for use as a basic well cement. 有中抗硫酸盐型(MSR)和高抗硫盐盐(HSR)两类,是一种基本油井水泥。