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2024-01-25 08:29:17
美[mjuːsɪk]  英[mjuːsɪk]
adj.  粘的


  1. Welcome everyone! I hope here is mucic enjoyable garden for you ! 欢迎各位!希望这里能够成为各位的音乐乐园!
  2. Which club does Jim want to join, the English Club or the Mucic Club? 2.;吉姆想加入哪个俱乐部,是英语俱乐部还是音乐俱乐部?
  3. The world rushes on over the strings of the lingering heart making the mucic of sadness. 世界在缠绵的心弦上跑过,奏出忧伤的音乐。
  4. But Li Yiding’s mucic has a certain audibility, her chamber music and symphonic music conduct the modern music techniques as well as the graceful and clear melodies. 但是李一丁的音乐会音乐却有着一定的可听性,她的室内乐、交响乐在运用现代音乐技法的同时,始终贯穿优美、清晰的旋律。
  5. I am fond of classical mucic. 我喜欢古典音乐。
  6. Keywords alkaline-earth metal;mucic acid;gel formation;FT-IR; 碱土金属;粘液酸;凝胶法;傅利叶变换红外光谱;