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2024-01-25 08:44:17
美  英
n.  探听丑闻的人


  1. one who spreads real or alleged scandal about another (usually for political advantage)


  1. That journalist is nothing but a professional muckraker. 记者是职业性的爱找丑闻的人。
  2. Hes a muckraker. 他是丑闻的揭发者.
  3. Having discovered his vocation as a cultural muckraker, he eventually secured an audience, a market and even the offer (which was refused) of Westminster Abbey as a final resting place. 在认识到把揭文化黑幕作为自己的职业之后,他最终获得了一个听众、一个市场、甚至是把威斯敏斯特教堂作为他最后的安息之所的提议(被他拒绝了)。
  4. “He laid out battle plans and political strategies, in advance, with remarkable clarity,” the muckraker Jack Anderson, who was a cub reporter in China, said of Zhou in his memoirs. “他总是提前设计好十分清晰的作战计划和政治策略。”