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2024-01-25 08:48:16
美[mjuːkoʊsɪlɪərɪ]  英[mjuːkəʊsɪlɪərɪ]
adj.  (哺乳动物呼吸系统中)黏膜纤毛的


  1. The mucociliary stream is like an expressway. 粘纤毛涤就象一条高速公路一样。
  2. This is the mucociliary escalator(Fig.1). 这是“纤毛扶梯”(图1)。
  3. Hemosinus due to craniofacial trauma can be resolved by mucociliary clearance within weeks. 头颅颜面外伤所造成鼻窦积血的情形可在数周内藉著黏液纤毛运动所排除;
  4. Conclusion Mucosa of uncinate process is the main source to research human nasal mucociliary system. 结论 钩突可成为今后人鼻腔纤毛系统的研究的主要标本来源。
  5. Objective:To explore the effect of functional endoscopic sinus surgery(FESS)on the mucociliary clearance of nasal mucosa. 目的:探讨功能性鼻窦内窥镜手术(FESS)对不同型期鼻窦炎患者鼻粘液纤毛清除率的影响。
  6. Effects on the tracheal phenol red secretion in mice and the esophageal mucociliary movement in frogs were observed in the three groups. 结果痰咳宁组、无麻组、麻黄碱组均能增强小鼠气道酚红排泄量,加快青蛙食道纤毛运动的速度,但痰咳宁组的作用强度明显优于无麻组或麻黄碱组。