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2024-01-25 08:50:16
美[mjuːkɔɪd]  英[mjuːkɔɪd]
n.  粘朊;类粘蛋白
adj.  类粘蛋白的;粘液状的


  1. any of several glycoproteins similar to mucin
  1. relating to or resembling mucus;

    "a mucoid substance"


  1. Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT in bronchial mucoid impaction. 目的探讨CT对支气管黏液嵌塞的诊断价值。
  2. Objective To study the CT menifestations of bronchial mucoid impactions to improve diagnostic efficacy. 目的研究支气管黏液嵌塞的CT表现,以提高对其诊断水平。
  3. There were X-ray films,conventional CT in all of patients with bronchial mucoid impactions and HRCT in 10 cases. 全部病历均有X线胸部平片及常规胸部CT扫描和10例做了HRCT。
  4. Distal obstructive changes may include atelectasis, mucoid impaction, and bronchiectasis. 气道阻塞远侧有肺不张、黏液嵌塞和支气管扩张。
  5. Figure 2. A, On gross inspection, the specimen appeared as a well-circumscribed, homogeneous piece of tissue with a pink fleshy and mucoid cut surface. 图2A,肉眼大体观察,标本的边界清楚、组织碎片均质,肉质为粉红色,切面呈粘液
  6. The next step will be to remove the lungs. He is taking the right lung out first. He cut the bronchus and noticed some mucoid material in the bronchus. 下一步是移出肺。他先把右肺给移出了。当医生把气管切开时发现了一些在气管中的痰液。