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2024-01-25 09:06:16
美[mʌdˌbæŋk]  英[mʌdbæŋk]
n.  (河、湖或海边的)泥滩


  1. Motts are semi-aquatic herbivores that dwell in underground mudbank burrows. 莫特兽是半水栖的草食动物,居住在泥滩地下洞穴中。
  2. Mine hovered right over the mudbank;when I opened the shutters at 6am the river, mountains and sky were steely blue. 我的舱房正在泥土河岸边上,早上6点打开百叶窗,天空和山脉呈现出钢蓝的色调。
  3. The Chapman lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mudbank, shone strongly. 恰普曼灯塔熠熠闪烁,它像一只三脚架矗立在烂泥平台上。
  4. On Culture of Black Sea Bream in Turbid Water of Mudbank 泥滩混水养殖黑鲷技术研究