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2024-01-25 09:19:16
美[mʌdˌfloʊ]  英[mʌdfləʊ]
n.  [地]泥流


  1. A mudflow, especially a slow-moving one. 泥流泥流,尤指流速较慢的一类
  2. It has some properties of landslide and mudflow concurrently. 它兼有滑坡和泥石流的 一些特征。
  3. A landslide or mudflow of volcanic fragments on the flanks of a volcano. 火山泥流火山侧翼的火山物质造成的滑坡或泥石流
  4. A landslide or mudflow ttriggered by volcanic fragments from flanks of a volcano. 火山侧翼的火山物质造成的滑坡或泥石流.
  5. The complicated geologic structure in Danbashan mountain sometimes resulted in landslide,mudflow and rockfall. 大巴山区由于特殊的地质构造,滑坡、泥石流和崩塌等地质灾害时有发生。
  6. Huanxian county town in northeast of Gansu province is seriously endangered by Dongshan mudflow disasters. 东山四沟泥流活动频繁;严重威胁环县城区1.;4万人生命和1