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2024-01-25 09:23:17
美[mʌdskɪpər]  英[mʌdskɪpə(r)]
n.  [鱼]弹涂鱼;跳跳鱼;泥猴


  1. found in tropical coastal regions of Africa and Asia; able to move on land on strong pectoral fins


  1. Do you think a mudskipper suitable on the water or ashore? 弹涂鱼善长在水中或是在陆上?
  2. Blue star-sprinkled dorsal fins are the way the mudskipper attracts the attention of the opposite sex. 蓝色星点散布的背鳍,是花跳吸引异性的利器。
  3. From let to right, top to bottom, the mudskippers home in the sand;brain-shaped coral;sea urchin;seaweed;globefish;the tienjen chrysanthemum, which can be seen all over the Pescadores. 由左至右、先上后下依次是:弹涂鱼用沙子筑的窝、脑状珊瑚、海胆、海草、刺河鲀,以及在澎湖随处可见的天人菊。
  4. Study on Mudskipper Culture in Earthern pond 大弹涂鱼池塘养殖技术研究
  5. Everyone has their own good point and shortcoming,like a mudskipper; 每一个人都有一种长处(当然亦有短处),好像弹涂鱼一样;
  6. Preliminary study on the growth of mudskipper Boleophthalmus pectinirostris in farming pond 池养大弹涂鱼生长的初步研究