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2024-01-25 09:28:16
美  英
n.  门斯特干酪(一种产于法国Muenster的淡黄色的半软干酪)


  1. semisoft pale-yellow cheese


  1. The debris fell on a city of 280,000, Muenster. 残骸碎片掉落在有二十八万人口的明斯特市。
  2. Muenster officials said that under international rules, the pilot should have radioed an accident report immediately. 明斯特官员说,依据国际法规,这名驾驶应立即用无线电发送意外报告。
  3. On June 30, zoo workers at Muenster Zoo rescued Mary Zwo.They took her to a hospital for humans. 六月三十日,敏斯特动物园的员工救了玛莉苏一命,将牠带往人类医院治疗。
  4. In Handorf, a suburb of Muenster, the AKZENT Hotel offers rural peace near the busy city of Muenster. 预定订您的酒店是很简单的.;在以下填报您的入住时间段
  5. A female rhino baby lies between two keepers in her indoor enclosure in the zoo of Muenster, Germany. 德国门斯特,一只小犀牛躺在他的两位饲养员中间。
  6. The bird has spent the past three weeks flirting with the vessel, which is five times its size, on the lake they share in the town of Muenster. 在德国明斯特的一个池塘中,一只痴情的黑天鹅在过去的3个星期里一直守在一条天鹅形状的船的周围,和它“谈情说爱”。而这条船的大小足足是它的5倍。