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2024-01-25 09:41:17
美[mʌɡɪnəs]  英[mʌɡɪnəs]
n.  闷热


  1. a state of warm humidity


  1. After the mugginess, there is a unordinary natural claim and comfortable. 闷热的过后,是一种不自然的凉爽与舒适。
  2. Down helps to keep absorbing and discharging the sweat to relieve the body from moisture and mugginess. 羽绒能不断吸收并排放人体释放的汗水,使身体没有潮湿和闷热感。
  3. At exactly the moment, the huddle and the mugginess before were forgotten entirely. 一刹那间,那公共汽车上的拥挤闷热全被忘却了。
  4. The weather break,low temperature and overcast and rainy,mugginess and sub-tropical high pressure are the exogenous factor to induce diseases. 其中天气突变、低温阴雨、闷热、副高控制等天气系统影响是致病的外因;高血压和心脏病受季节性转换影响最明显;
  5. When the vapor emanated from the skin surface can not easily permeate to the air, it will form a high humidity region between the skin and the fabric which makes people feel mugginess and discomfort. 当人体皮肤表面散热蒸发的水汽不易透过织物陆续排出时,就会在皮肤与织物之间形成高湿区域,使人感到闷热不适,因而服用织物尤其是内衣,必须具备良好的吸湿透湿性能。