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2024-01-25 11:09:16
美[ˌmʌltɪflɒrəs]  英[ˌmʌltɪflɔːrəs]
adj.  [植]多花的


  1. GISH and SSR were adopted to genetically analyze 15 offspring plants (lines) of the new wheat germplasm 4844 with large and multiflorous spikes. 摘要采用基因组原位杂交(GISH)检测和染色体组成分析方法,对大穗多花小麦新种质4844后代的15个株系进行遗传分析。
  2. Application of several multiflorous plants to landscape and their benefits in Yuanmou xerothermic area 元谋干热区多花植物的景观应用及效益分析
  3. Male inflorescence 1.5-2.5 cm, densely multiflorous, flowers opening before leaves, rachis glandular puberulent; 雄花序1.;5-2
  4. multiflorous character 多花