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2024-01-25 11:43:16
美[ˌmʌltiːnjuːkliːət]  英[mʌltɪnjuːklɪɪt]
adj.  复核的


  1. having two or more nuclei


  1. The multinucleate cells of striated muscle. 横纹肌的多核细胞
  2. Virchow in 1851 presented a drawing of a multinucleate tumor cell. Virchow于一八五一年发表一张多核肿瘤细胞图。
  3. They are multinucleate formed by the fusion of myoblasts. 它们是成肌细胞融合形成的多核细胞。
  4. A large multinucleate spore formed by union of similar gametes,as in algae or fungi. 接合孢子由相似的配子结合而成的多核大孢子,如在海藻或真菌中
  5. A large multinucleate cell found in growing bone that resorbs bony tissue,as in the formation of canals and cavities. 破骨细胞一种巨大的多核细胞,发现于吸收骨组织的生长骨中,如在管和腔的形成时的生长骨中
  6. A large multinucleate cell found in growing bone that resorbs bony tissue, as in the formation of canals and cavities. 破骨细胞一种巨大的多核细胞,发现于吸收骨组织的生长骨中,如在管和腔的形成时的生长骨中