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2024-01-25 12:04:17
美[mʌltəplɪˌkeɪtɪv]  英[mʌltɪplɪkeɪtɪv]
adj.  倍增的;趋于增加的


  1. tending or having the power to multiply or increase in number or quantity or degree;

    "the multiplicative tendency of proportional representation"


  1. The results show that multiplicative method is also effective in FFTS. 相位校正后的谱和标准谱线比较,二者基本重合。
  2. An implementation for computing multiplicative inverses in Galois fields GF(2m) is presented. 在扩展欧几里得算法的基础上提出了有限域乘法逆元的计算方法。
  3. Meanwhile, the effect multiplicative noise and the parameters of the oscillator on the OAG are discussed. 而且,适当的噪声参数和振荡器参数可以使噪声情况下的输出幅度增益大于无噪声时的输出幅度增益。
  4. Methods Using partial orders on multiplicative reduct and additive reduct and relations between two partial orders. 方法加法半群和乘法半群上的偏序以及二者之间的关系。
  5. Furthermore the multiplicative commutativity of the generalized quaternion algebras is proved. 推出了广义四元数矩阵乘法的可易性。
  6. Besides these, the feasibility of AHP based on multiplicative synthesis is certified by the instance in this paper. 用实例证明了基于乘法合成的层次分析方法的可行性。