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2024-01-25 12:53:16
美[mʌltɪwɔːl]  英[mʌltɪwɔːl]
n.  多层


  1. Available in 20 kg moisture barrier, multiwall paper bags. 包装在20kg防潮,多层纸袋中。
  2. Water soluble multiwall carbon nanotube has good dispersiveness and stability. 采用柠檬酸钠还原氯金酸制备了金水溶胶,研究了影响金纳米粒子的粒径的相关因素。
  3. Elevates shelf appeal to a new level when compared to the multiwall paper structure used previously. 货架吸引力提升到一个新的水平相比,纸张的多层结构以前使用。
  4. The reactive tube diameter will affect the unit yield of multiwall carbon nanotubes and the quality. 反应管直径大小将影响多壁碳纳米管的单位产量并对多壁碳纳米管质量产生影响。
  5. This paper summarizes our investigation of the absorption spectra of multiwall carbon nanotubes in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared regions. 本论文旨在探讨多壁碳奈管在紫外、可见光、近红外光区的吸收光谱;