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2024-01-25 13:20:16
美[mʌŋgoʊ]  英[mʌŋgəʊ]
n.  再制呢绒


  1. 毛织厂之呢绒碎料
  2. 在制呢绒
  3. 短弹毛
  4. 黑人奴隶,黑人
  5. 芒戈,蒙戈(音译名)


  1. Mungos emblem is a wand and a bone, crossed. 圣芒戈的徽章:一跟魔杖与骨头组成的十字。
  2. Mungo...never kill a customer. Oh, the wound! The wound! -Revenge! Revenge! 蒙哥...绝不要杀死客户。哦,创伤!创伤!-报仇!报仇!
  3. Though Nilz succeeded, Mungo was able to free the doctor and steal the cure. 药剂研发成功,但芒戈解救了尼尔兹,拿走了药剂。
  4. The only wizarding hospital we know of,St. Mungos is located behind the facade of Purge and Dowse, Ltd.in London. 我们所知的唯一一所巫师医院;人们从伦敦的淘淘百货公司的正面进入圣芒戈.
  5. At this point, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo, Khan has profusely successor. 此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。
  6. At this time, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo, Kublai Khan has succeeded sweat. 此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。