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2024-01-25 13:46:17
美[mʌpɪt]  英[mʌpɪt]
n.  提线木偶


  1. So tell me, is this genuine Muppet skin? |这是真的布偶皮吗?
  2. "Jimmy The Rocket"?What are you?A Muppet gangster? |火箭吉米? 什么? 斧头帮混混吗?
  3. All-Reviews.com - Muppet Race Mania - Offers a review of the game. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
  4. And hes even visited by a Muppet opera diva and talking Muppet phone! 布偶女歌剧家也来探访毛毛,并一起学习打电话!
  5. A recent address on Life as a Frog in the 1990s was delivered by the Muppet character Kermit. 马伯特木偶戏中人物科梅特最近作了一次演讲,题为“九十年代像青蛙那样生活”。
  6. Kami is a furry yellow Muppet, who likes nature, telling stories and collecting stuff. Kami是一只毛茸茸的黄色布偶,她喜欢大自然、说故事、收集东西。