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2024-01-25 14:00:16
美[mjʊrɪˌeɪt]  英[mjʊərɪɪt]
n.  氯化物


  1. The hydrochloric acid cocculus tunbergii alkali is its muriate. 盐酸青藤碱是其盐酸盐。
  2. A new research project to be commenced by Angus in 1992 will investigate other aspects of plant nutrition, including the use of muriate of potash in disease control. Angus将于1992年开始一个新项目,以研究植物营养另外一些问题,包括使用氯化钾控制病害。
  3. The lignite with organic matter is applied in granular compound fertilizer production, together with urea, monoammonium phosphate, muriate of potash, single superphosphate and ammonium bicarbonate raw materials, by a pan granulator. 褐煤提供有机质,以尿素、酸一铵、化钾、磷酸钙、酸氢铵为无机原料,用盘式造粒机生产粒状有机无机复混肥。
  4. Keywords muriate of potash(MOP);conversion unit;corrosion;protection; 氯化钾;转化系统;腐蚀;防护;
  5. muriate of potash 氯化钾
  6. aluminium muriate [化] 氯化铝; 三氯化铝