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2024-01-25 14:09:16
美[mɜːkɪnɪs]  英[mɜːkɪnɪs]
n.  黑暗;模糊


  1. an atmosphere in which visibility is reduced because of a cloud of some substance
  2. the quality of being cloudy


  1. Murkiness brings unpredictability, which financial markets do not like. 暗箱操作导致了不可预测性,而金融市场对此不甚欢迎。
  2. Murkiness around how AIG intends to save itself also caused investors to flee. 有关美国国际集团如何自救的阴影也促使投资者纷纷逃离。
  3. The burning light-wick appears as a whole splotch of redness in the murkiness of her eyes. 燃烧的灯芯在朦胧中变得红通通的一片。
  4. This year soon graduates the graduate student already felt the employment market the murkiness. 今年即将毕业的研究生已经感受到就业市场的低迷。
  5. However increases the amount of space occupied at the same time is actually market murkiness. 然而增加体量的同时却是市场的低迷。
  6. But for all this, the employment reported that still reflected the employment market the murkiness. 周五美国海外股市涨跌不一,日经225指数下跌了3.;5%25,收于近26年新低;