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2024-01-25 14:12:16
美[mɜːrmər]  英[mɜːmə(r)]
v.  低语;发出连续轻柔的声音;低声抱怨
n.  低语;连续轻柔的声音;低声的抱怨;[医]心区杂音
  形容词:murmurous  副词:murmuringly  名词:murmurer  过去式:murmured  过去分词:murmured  现在分词:murmuring  第三人称单数:murmurs


  1. 发牢骚,诉怨,私下抱怨,发怨言,低声抱怨
  2. 发出轻柔持续的声音,连续发出低沉的声音
  3. 低声说,小声说,私语, 低语 ,轻轻地说,喃喃地说,低声而言
  4. 沙沙地响
  5. 咕哝,嘀嘀咕咕
  6. 自言自语道
  1. 低语(声),私语声,耳语声
  2. 沙沙声
  3. 潺潺声,淙淙声
  4. 咕哝,嘟哝(声)
  5. 怨言,低声抱怨,牢骚,埋怨(声)
  6. 【医】(心脏)杂音
  7. 交谈声
  8. 喃喃低语
  9. 叽叽喳喳声
  10. 轻柔持续的声音


  1. [C]低沉、连续而不清的声音 low continuous indistinct sound
  2. [C]低语声 quietly spoken word(s)
  3. [S]怨言,嘀咕 a complaint
  1. vi. 发出连续而低沉的声音 make a murmur
  2. vt. & vi. 小声说 say (sth) in a low voice
  3. vi. 私下低声抱怨 complain about sb/sth quietly, not openly


  1. a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech
  2. a schwa that is incidental to the pronunciation of a consonant
  3. an abnormal sound of the heart; sometimes a sign of abnormal function of the heart valves
  4. a complaint uttered in a low and indistinct tone
  1. speak softly or indistinctly;

    "She murmured softly to the baby in her arms"

  2. make complaining remarks or noises under ones breath;

    "she grumbles when she feels overworked"


  1. murmur about〔against, at〕抱怨…
  2. murmur in在…中作响
  3. murmur a secret to sb低声告诉某人一个秘密
  4. murmur under ones breath喃喃自语


  1. Some of the sailors began to murmur about it bringing bad luck.一些水手开始低声说这带来了噩运。
  2. The old man drooped his head and began to murmur to himself my fathers name.老人低下头,低声念叨我父亲的名字。
  3. The breeze murmured in the pines.松林里微风沙沙作响。
  4. The little stream murmured at the foot of the hill.小溪在山脚下潺潺流动。
  5. Today children always murmur their homework too much.现今孩子总是抱怨他们的作业太多。
  6. They began to murmur against their coach, but he gave them fair words.他们咕哝着埋怨起教练来了,他却很和气地同他们讲话。
  1. The murmur swelled into a roar.窃窃私语的声音变大形成一片喧哗。
  2. A murmur of pain broke from her lips.从她的唇间发出痛苦的喃喃低语。
  3. The murmur of the spring harps by us.潺潺溪水欢唱着流过我们的身边。
  4. He cant do with his wifes murmur他忍受不了他妻子的抱怨。
  5. There was a low murmur of conversation in the hall.大厅里有窃窃私语声。
  6. You have got a faint murmur of the heart .你的心脏有微弱的杂音。