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2024-01-25 15:17:16
美[mʌsˌkeg]  英[mʌskeg]
n.  北美北部的沼泽地


  1. A muskeg berry is a bit of seed enclosed in a bit of water. 这种浆果只是一小粒外面包着一层浆水的籽儿。
  2. He bore away to the left, stopping now and again to eat muskeg berries. 他转身向左前行,时而停下来吃浆果,那只伤脚腕都麻木了,这使他跛得更厉害了。
  3. Often he stooped and picked pale muskeg berries, put them into his mouth, and chewed and swallowed them. 他常常弯下腰,摘几玫沼地灰白色的浆果,塞进嘴里,嚼一阵,然后吐出来。
  4. He was compelled to pause for frequent rests, when he attacked the muskeg berries and rush-grass patches. 他不得不常常停下来休息片刻,弄些浆果和灯心草根来吃。
  5. Summer travel in the boggy lands, or muskeg country, of the Subarctics taiga was also slow and arduous. 夏天,在亚极地针叶林地带的沼泽遍布的原野或乡村,出行亦将变得缓慢而艰难。
  6. On this surface the encroaching Muskeg Sea developed a carbonate bank fringed by coastal sabkhas in which gypsiferous deposits were formed. 在这个地表上,侵入的马斯恺格海发育了一个碳酸盐滩,其边缘有海岸萨勃哈石膏质沉积形成。