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2024-01-25 15:46:16
美[mʌstədɪ]  英[mʌstədɪ]
adj.  芥末的;芥子粉的
sp.  有芥末味(或色)的.


  1. He put some mustard into the dish. 他向菜里放了些芥末。
  2. He is keen as mustard in his work. 他对自己的工作非常着迷。
  3. Pepper, curry and mustard are hot. 胡椒,咖喱,以及芥末是辣的。
  4. He has a lot of muscle and mustard. 他力气大干劲足。
  5. This meat should be seasoned with salt and mustard. 这肉里应该加些盐和芥末。
  6. I dont like mustard; its too hot. "我不爱吃芥末,这东西太辣了。"