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2024-01-25 16:05:17
美[mjuːtətɪv]  英[mjuːtətɪv]
adj.  变化的


  1. of or pertaining to or marked by genetic mutation


  1. This blade is nice,a mutative oxtail! 这条子看起来真舒服,变化的牛尾!
  2. When tools are hauling up to the mutative part and the down-hole SSV, speed must be decreased accordingly. 工具上起至管径变径处,井下安全阀等处时应减慢速度。
  3. The mutative rule of community photosynthesis capability of the different forage sorghum varieties was studied. 摘要研究了不同饲用高粱品种群体光合性能指标的变化规律。
  4. A mutative scale chaos optimization method is proposed based on the chaos variables. 基于混沌变量,提出一种变尺度混沌优化方法。
  5. Venture Capital of enterpriser often fails by reason of mutative milieu, or our cognition in milieu. 对单个企业而言,创业投资成功率比较低的主要原因在于面对的环境复杂多变,而对环境把握的能力提高却没有环境变化得快,或者把握复杂环境的能力还没有得到有效突破。
  6. When the skinheads capture him, they begin to experiment on him...speeding up the mutative process! 小孩被掳走,父亲被枪伤,精神刺激逼使他变成巨型的机体救回小孩,也展开了人类与机械的对决。