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2024-01-25 16:58:16
美[maɪsiːlɪə]  英[maɪsiːlɪə]
n.  【生】菌丝体(名词mycelium 的复数)


  1. Mycelium on cereal grain is termed mold growth. 在谷物上生长的菌丝体叫做发霉。
  2. Many endophytic mycelia penetrated in the velamina. 根被细胞中分布有大量内生真菌菌丝。
  3. Substrate mycelium , grow in the substate. 基内菌丝:生长在培养基内部的菌丝.
  4. The hyphae can fuse and form a heterocaryotic mycelium. 菌丝可以融合并形成异核的菌丝体。
  5. The mass of rice is thoroughly permeated with mycelium. 整个大米层中都布满了菌丝。
  6. Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus. 菌丝任何形成真菌丝状线