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2024-01-25 17:09:16
美[maɪkoʊflɔːrə]  英[maɪkəʊflɔːrə]
n.  [植]真菌区系;(一地域的)真菌群


  1. Dendrocola Mycoflora of Needles on Korean Pine. 红松叶栖真菌群落结构。
  2. Dendrocola mycoflora of needles on Cedrus deodara 雪松叶栖真菌群落结构
  3. Studies on Mangrove Mycoflora in Yueqing Bay 乐清湾红树林真菌区系研究
  4. Keywords Fungus;Bottled purified drinking water;Mycoflora; 霉菌;瓶装饮用纯净水;菌相;
  5. Keywords Centered air-conditioning;Supply of air;Fungus;Mycoflora; 集中空调;送风;真菌;菌相;调查;
  6. A Study on the Mycoflora and Geography of the Higher Fungi from Helan Shan 贺兰山高等真菌区系地理研究