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2024-01-25 18:50:17
美[ˌmaɪsəfoʊbɪə]  英[ˌmaɪsəfəʊbɪə]
n.  [心]不洁恐怖(指病态的洁癖)


  1. a morbid fear of dirt or contamination


  1. It can also be used for those who are mysophobia and often go on bussiness trips. 如果有洁癖又经常出差的人士也可以穿这样的睡衣。
  2. Clinderella,a UK pig,is perhaps the first pig in the world who is diagnosed with mysophobia. 英国小猪“灰姑娘”可能是世界上第一头被诊断有洁癖症的小猪。
  3. Cinderella, a UK pig, is perhaps the first pig in the world who is diagnosed with mysophobia. 英国小猪"灰姑娘"可能是世界上第一头被诊断有洁癖症的小猪。
  4. After her birth, the piglet refused to join her brothers and sisters as they splashed in the mud because she suffers with mysophobia - a fear of dirt. 出生后,它一直不肯和兄弟姐妹一起在泥巴中玩耍。直到最近,主人让它穿上了4只绿色的橡胶小靴子,它才终于愿和泥巴亲近。
  5. mysophobia [fear of uncleanliness] 不洁恐惧症,被污恐惧症
  6. suffering from mysophobia; abnormally afraid of dirt or contamination. 患有不洁恐怖症;不正常地害怕污物或者污染。