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2024-01-25 18:58:17
美[mɪstɪrɪəm]  英[mɪstɪərɪəm]
n.  神秘物质


  1. Hes the guy who brought me here, the guy who inducted me into the Mysterium. 他是把我带到这里的人,引领我进入这神秘领域。
  2. It took only a matter of weeks for mysterium to share the fate of its optical brothers, nebulium and coronium. 只过了几星期的时间,该所谓奇醇之物就遭到了与它光学弟兄?旌碗赐0样的命运。
  3. Mysterium: A mystical order with roots in Atlantis. They were the scholars and explorers of the Awakened City. 玄秘会:源自亚特兰蒂斯的魔法盟会。他们是觉醒者之城的学者与探索者。
  4. Pentacle, the: The loose alliance of the four Atlantean magical orders (Adamantine Arrow, Guardians of the Veil, the Mysterium and the Silver Ladder) and the Free Council order. 五芒星:四个亚特兰蒂斯魔法盟会(刚箭盟,帷幕守护者,玄秘会和白银天梯)以及自由议会之间组成的松散联盟。