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2024-01-25 19:30:17
美[ˌmɪksɪdiːmə]  英[mɪksɪdiːmə]
n.  粘液性水肿
  形容词:myxedematous  异体字:myxoedema


  1. hypothyroidism marked by dry skin and swellings around lips and nose as well as mental deterioration


  1. Myxedema coma is rare but potentially lethal, the symptoms and signs are many and are often insidious. 黏液水肿很罕见但有可能致命,其临床症状常呈非特异性且多样化。
  2. A pathological condition resulting from severe thyroid insufficiency,which may lead to cretinism or myxedema. 甲低严重的甲状腺不足引起的病理状态,它可能导致愚侏病或粘液水肿
  3. A pathological condition resulting from severe thyroid insufficiency, which may lead to cretinism or myxedema. 甲低严重的甲状腺不足引起的病理状态,它可能导致愚侏病或粘液水肿
  4. Respiratory failure in myxedema is a complex medical emergency and may require prolonged ventilatory assistance. 摘要呼吸衰竭发生在黏液水肿的病人身上是极具复杂性的急症而且治疗需要长期的呼吸器协助。
  5. It can be relevant to the deposit of mucopolysaccharides and mucoproteins in the myocardium, leading to myocardial myxedema. 可能与甲状腺激素减少、黏蛋白和黏多糖沉积引起心肌黏液水肿有关。
  6. Here we report a rare case of a 68 years old male with primary hypothyroidism with myxedema coma and respiratory failure. 我们在此报告一68岁男性患有原发性甲状腺功能不足合并黏液水肿昏迷及呼吸衰竭的个案。