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2024-01-25 19:49:16
美[nɑːbe]  英[nɑːbe]
n.  伊斯兰教的先知


  1. Karunia nabi takluk kepada nabi-nabi. 并且申言者的灵,是服从申言者的,
  2. Numerous dark night, like your thoughts as the Fantasy Nabi, away in the wind. 在无数个漆黑的夜里,您的想法也是一样虚幻美妙,在风中漂离。
  3. Forest Farm near the entrance to the Butterfly Valley, everywhere dancing Nabi. 在林场入口处附近的蝴蝶谷,则处处可见翩翩起舞的彩蝶。
  4. Thanks Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God (Allah) and Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa) gracious gift. 感谢阿爸;父耶和华上帝(真主)和主耶稣(麦西哈.;尔撒)的恩赐
  5. I and the Abba, Father Lord Jehovah God (Allah) and Jesus Christ (Nabi Isa)forever love you all! 我和阿爸;父耶和华上帝(真主)和主耶稣(麦西哈.;尔撒)永远爱你们!
  6. Kanas Lakefour Song Zhi Xue-Feng Zhou, sloping green ink Lin, Yan Hua Nabi, Huguangshanse, beautiful. 喀纳斯湖四周雪峰耸峙,绿坡墨林,艳花彩蝶,湖光山色,美不胜收。