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2024-01-25 20:20:17
美  英
abbr.  北美自由贸易协定
sp.  (=North American Free Trade Agreement).


  1. an agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico; became effective in 1994 for ten years


  1. It has also always favoured NAFTA. 它也一直支持北美自由贸易协定。
  2. Many Mexican small businesses folded due to NAFTA. 由于北美自由贸易协议的签订,许多墨西哥小企业不得不闭门关张。
  3. Chapter one introduces regulations of FET standard in NAFTA. 第一章,NAFTA关于公正与公平待遇标准的规定。
  4. The rise of trade blocs such as the European Union and the NAFTA signatories. 一些贸易集团如欧盟和北美自由贸易区出现。
  5. Then analyzes the basic provision of FET standard and relevant rules in NAFTA. 其次,分析了公正与公平待遇的基本条款以及相关规定;
  6. Already the GDP of the Asian economies is nearly on a par with Europes and NAFTAs. 目前,亚洲各经济体系的本地生产总值,已接近欧洲各国及北大西洋自由贸易区各国的水平。