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2024-01-25 21:15:16
美[næltreksoʊn]  英[næltreksəʊn]
n.  [药]环丙甲羟二羟吗啡酮( 麻醉药拮抗药)


  1. an oral antagonist against the action of opiates


  1. Naltrexone hydrochloride is a new morphine-like antagonist in our country now. 盐酸纳曲酮是目前国内新的吗啡类拮抗药。
  2. Objective: To prepare a naltrexone nasal spray with high bioavailability, fast onset and low or without toxicity. 目的:制备一种生物利用度高、起效快、低毒或无毒、使用方便的盐酸纳曲酮鼻腔喷雾剂。
  3. A prescription drug called Naltrexone is now being used to combat alcoholism by changing brain chemistry. 纳曲酮是目前通过变化大脑化学物质用来治疗酒精中毒的处方.
  4. Invitro release of naltrexone microspheres prepared with the various PLGA were compared. 以其为载体制备纳曲酮微球,比较了体外释药速率。
  5. The makers of Naltrexone say that it has few side effects and is not addictive. Thats a major improvement over earlier anti-alcoholism drugs. 纳曲酮的制造商说,这几乎没有副作用,不会上瘾。这是较之以前的反酗酒药物的主要改进。
  6. Objective:To study the antagonist-precipitated withdrawal response(APWR) of heroin addicts treated with naltrexone for preventing relapse. 目的:探讨海洛因依赖者纳曲酮抗复吸治疗中意外催瘾的作用。