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2024-01-25 21:39:16
美  英
sp.  纳奈莫[加拿大西南部港市](位于温哥华岛东南部, 临乔治亚海峡)


  1. a town in southwestern British Columbia on Vancouver Island to the west of Vancouver


  1. I like the player who was played nanaimo online ever. 谁有玩拿拿林的,就是我的最爱!
  2. Nanaimo &Kingsway. Two bedroom suite. Close to transit and school. No smoking and no pets. 温哥华东区乃磨夹京士威内街平地光猛两房一厅;厨;厕.;防盗设备交通便近学校;适合不吸姻无宠物人士
  3. Nanaimo, also known as single-screw pump, the pump h**e a common G-type screw, I-1B pump concentration. 奈莫泵又称单螺杆泵,常见的泵型有G型螺杆泵、I-1B浓浆泵。
  4. Nanaimo, also known as single-screw pump, the pump have a common G-type screw, I-1B pump concentration. 奈莫泵又称单螺杆泵,常见的泵型有G型螺杆泵、I-1B浓浆泵。
  5. Smaller groups of Chinese laborers, farmers and merchants were also found in Nanaimo and New Westminster. 小群的中国劳工,农夫和商人也到纳奈莫和新威斯敏斯特。
  6. Both plants were staffed by large numbers of Chinese workers and helped establish sizeable Chinese community in Nanaimos downtown core. 两个厂雇佣了大量的华工,帮助在南奈莫城中心建立了一个很大的华人社区。