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2024-01-25 21:40:17
美[næns]  英[næns]
n.  <贬>娘娘腔的男人; 男同性恋者


  1. offensive term for an openly homosexual man


  1. In 1974, Kissinger married Nance Markenice. 1974的,基辛格与南希·马金尼斯结婚。
  2. Lis wox nyac, yaoc nyaengc maengx, singc nyac nanc lamc! 知道你近况,我甚是高兴,友情难忘!
  3. He teaches courses in accounting, business and fi nance. 霍特是全球拥有国际学生比例最高的商学院。
  4. I met Nance yesterday and she gave me a long song and dance about her family. 我昨天碰到南茜,她啰啰唆唆地给我说了一大堆有关她家里的话。
  5. Go home to your Nance and your kids, and stand by till you hear from me. “这事得你帮我,干完活就到得州去,回去看你老婆和孩子们,等我的消息。”
  6. NANC is going to hold a New Year Toast on the 22nd of Jan in Beijing! 荷兰校友会将于2009年1月22日‘新春酒会。请各位校友相互转告。