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2024-01-25 22:08:17
美  英
n.  <加拿大>[动]北极熊


  1. Nanook? He was my greatest student. 它是我最棒的学生。
  2. The lead dog, Nanook, is badly injured. 就是那只“领头狗”纳努克,她伤得非常严重。
  3. Nanook of the North. Directed by Robert Flaherty. 69 min. 1922. 北方的那努克,佛莱贺提导演,片长69分钟,1922年。
  4. But polar bears Sedna and Nanook have been forced inland by global warming. 这个讯息不但是电影《明日之后》的桥段,也在现实中被全球研究学者不断重申。
  5. Taxidermy and Romantic Ethnography: Robert Flahertys Nanook of the North."Chapter 4 in Rony. 第4章,〈动物标本剥制术与浪漫的民族志学:佛莱贺提之北方的那努克〉。
  6. The poor Nanook was then tortured at the other end, seeming to be fighting against a seal of tons. 面对老天赐给的自然之美,人很难再贪求其它什么。