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2024-01-25 22:12:17
美[nænoʊsekənd]  英[nænəʊsekənd]
n.  毫微秒;极短的时间


  1. one billionth (10^-9) of a second; one thousandth of a microsecond


  1. A processor operating in the nanosecond cycle range. 一种操作周期为纳秒量级的处理机。
  2. I like to sneak a peek at his eyes for a nanosecond. 我的男朋友有最标致的眼睛,偶而,我喜爱盯着他的眼睛看一下。
  3. Give yourself the nanosecond it takes to tear open a Simply Nutrilite bar. 给自己的纳秒需撕打开一个简单营养酒吧。
  4. He was insane if he thought for one nanosecond that I was going to help him. 他如果以为我会帮助他,这种想法即使只存在十亿分之一秒,他都不正常。(要我帮助他,想都别想。)
  5. In todays nanosecond climate, one misstep can mean a quick nose dive. 今天的情况,瞬息万变,一步失着,可能顷刻间兵败山倒、全盘皆输。
  6. One nanosecond is equal to one-thousandth of one-millionth of one second. 1毫微秒等于一秒的十万万分之一。