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2024-01-25 22:22:16
美[neɪpərɪ]  英[neɪpərɪ]
n.  家庭用亚麻布


  1. linens for the dining table


  1. Its crockery and atmosphere were thick; its soup and napery thin. 它的碗具粗糙,空气混浊,汤菜淡如水,餐巾薄如绢。
  2. Out of a similar sideboard, properly draped with white napery and imitation lace, the Bishop had constructed the altar which decorated his oratory. 主教还把一张同样的碗橱,适当地罩上白布帷和假花边,作为祭坛,点缀着他的经堂。
  3. If a banquet is to be served, the menu must be planned; tables, napery, and table silver must be provided and set up. 如果要开宴会,则必须事先制定菜单,备齐备好餐桌、餐桌用巾、餐具。
  4. In the dining-room the table was clean laid with linen and napery and shiny with glasses and decorated china. 隔着打开的门,他看到厨房里柴火在炉子里噼啪燃烧,晚饭已经快烧好了。
  5. Info:This product is available in Piece good form as well as finished napery (tops and napkins). The c ...... 主要材质:涤纶次要材质:涤纶克重:<80幅宽:160-180用途:服装用织物
  6. Products wanted: Embroidered napery products such as tablecloths, doilies, bags, wine bottle covers and placemats. 需要货品:刺绣的布料产品,例如桌布、小布巾、袋、酒瓶套和垫。