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2024-01-25 22:26:17
美[næfθiːn]  英[næfθiːn]
n.  石油环烷(环烷属烃;脂环烃)


  1. In conversion comparison method, the leak is found by looking at the naphthene conversion. 转化率比较法是根据特定环烷烃的转化率来判断;
  2. For hydrocarbons with similar relative molecular weight, the KL values of paraffin, naphthene and aromatics decrease in order. 对于相对分子质量近似的烃,烷烃KL值>环烷烃KL值>芳烃KL值;
  3. A new type of oil - soluble imidazole corrosion delay agent has been Synthesized from naphthene acid and organic amine . 以环烷酸、有机胺为原料合成咪唑啉油溶性缓蚀剂。
  4. The results also show Liaohe oil aloes turn heavier fr om low sulphur middle-paraphin base to low sulphur naphthene middle base. 分析结果同时也证明,辽河原油确实在变重,由低硫中间-石蜡基向低硫环烷-中间基方向发展。
  5. The influence of natural surfactants,such as asphaltenes,resins,solid particles and naphthene,on the stability of the water in crude oil emulsion are summarized. 综述了原油乳状液中天然表面活性物质,如沥青质、胶质、固体颗粒物以及石蜡对原油乳状液稳定性的影响。
  6. The models lumped reactants into three lumps including C6, C7 and C8+.Each carbon number lump was divided into normal-paraffin, iso-paraffin, naphthene and aromatics. 改进后的模型将重整物料分为C6、C7和C8+,每一个碳数的化合物又划分为正构烷烃、异构烷烃、环烷烃和芳烃4个集总,裂化产物C5-作为一个集总。