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2024-01-25 22:31:16
美[næplɪs]  英[næplɪs]
adj.  没有绒毛的;磨破了的


  1. They found that the students who had a nap did better in a test of cognitive function than their napless counterparts. 他们发现,在认知功能测试中,睡午觉学生的测试结果好于没睡午觉的。
  2. Even naps are beneficial, according to a Harvard study in which subjects who took a 90-minute snooze after learning a task performed 50 percent better over a 24-hour period than the napless group. 根据哈佛大学的一项研究表明,即便是打个盹也会对记忆有帮助。受测者学习后打盹90分钟的人们在24小时内要比那些没有打盹的人群表现更好。
  3. napless finish 除绒毛整理