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2024-01-25 23:11:17
美[nɑːkəˌtɪzəm]  英[nɑːkətɪzəm]
n.  麻醉作用(不省人事)


  1. Sick can keep awake after being narcotism. 病人在施以局部麻醉之后仍能保持完全清醒。
  2. It was potent enough to put the patient under narcotism. 这足以使病人处于麻醉状态。
  3. Below narcotism, patient muscle is loosened adequately, ability suffers the technique with a lot of force or older range, achieve remedial goal adequately. 在麻醉状态下,患者肌肉充分放松,能耐受许多力量或幅度较大的手法,充分达到治疗目的。
  4. Objective:516 narc o tics with dental caries were analysed to investigate the relation between narcot ic taking and caries. 目的:对516名吸毒人员牙体患龋情况进行分析,探讨吸毒与龋病之间的关系。
  5. Below narcotism, patient sense of pain disappears, this is helpful for massage cure on one hand, ask the doctor masters ace law weight again on the other hand, in case violent injury. 在麻醉状态下,患者痛觉消失,这一方面有利于推拿治疗,另一方面又要求医生掌握好手法轻重,以防暴力损伤。
  6. The degree of the patients" narcotism caused by narcotic in the surgery is important index for anesthetists to supervise. 麻醉深度是指手术患者在麻醉药物的作用下,机体所达到的麻醉程度。