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2024-01-25 23:19:17
美[nerɪs]  英[neərɪs]
n.  [解]鼻孔
  形容词:narial  名词复数:nares


  1. any of the openings to the nasal cavities that allow air to flow through the cavities to the pharynx


  1. Nari Herring walked leisurely along the sand. 纳里·赫林沿着沙滩悠闲地走动。
  2. Welcome To Nari Counter Strike Protagonists. 匙萍南阑 瘤难林矫辨 官而聪促.
  3. Either of the external openings of the nose; a naris. 鼻孔鼻子的两个外部开口中的任一个;鼻孔
  4. Either of the external openings of the nose;a naris. 鼻孔鼻子的两个外部开口中的任一个;
  5. Nasal process of premaxialla forms the whole posteior margin of the naris. 前上颌骨背突构成整个外鼻孔的后缘。
  6. At 06 UTC, NARI was centred 480 km (260 NM) S of Cheju (Jeju), South Korea. 于06UTC,百合集结在济州岛以南约480公里(260海里)。