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2024-01-25 23:24:17
美[næreɪtə]  英[næreɪtə]
n.  讲故事者;叙述者


  1. Did the narrater find his mothers grave? 作者发现她母亲的坟墓了吗?
  2. That earlier production at the Guthrie in Minneapolis was unusual in that it had two Toms, an older narrater one, and a younger one who was the son. 早前的在明尼阿波利斯(美国城市)的Guthrie剧场的这齣戏,很不寻常的有两个Tom,一个是较年长的叙述者,还有一个年轻一点的是儿子的角色。
  3. The form of the novels is the form of formulation of reality by writing. It is closely related with narrater,narrative motive,narrative object and narrative method of the novels. 小说形态就是文字对现实的表述形态,它与小说的叙述者、叙述动机、叙述对象和叙述方法密切关联。
  4. The bloody romance: The Narrater of Plays about Military Yard 部队大院电视剧中的成长叙事
  5. Now the Question Goes Who the Person Is--Subject of the Narrater in Fei Mings Novels 却道此人是谁--论废名小说中的叙述者的自我